Company Profile

The Shtir Group specializes in the initiation, marketing, production and management of professional exhibitions and conferences. The company began operations in the 1970s and was one of the founders of the industry in Israel. Over the years, the company has developed and become a brand of success and power, and today is a major and leading factor in the exhibition and conference industry.

The company’s exhibitions are the leaders in their field and constitute the annual meeting point of the key people and decision makers in the field among them, suppliers, importers and exporters, buyers, investors and entrepreneurs, academics, and government officials.

The group’s exhibitions focus mainly on the B2B market and are therefore open to a professional audience only. Some also appeal to the end consumer and are open to the general public.

The group has rich experience in working and collaborating with government ministries, authorities, unions, the Regional Export and Cooperation Institute, the Israel Manufacturers Association and the Association of Chambers of Commerce.

Our exhibitions are accompanied by professional conferences, workshops and related events whose purpose is to contribute to the enrichment of knowledge and the deepening of personal connections in every field and industry in which we are engaged.

The Shtir Group provides all services to its customers through the various departments, from the preparation stage for the exhibition to the application, learning and learning lessons, and accompanies its customers in a personal and ongoing relationship.

The various departments provide a complete solution for every exhibition, conference and event, including a service department for exhibitors, organization, production and logistics, a conference department, a marketing and sales department, an external relations department, a marcom department, advertising, informatics, internet and graphics and an accounting department. The company’s departments are computerized with dedicated professional software for each field.

The Shtir Group was founded by its presidents, Israela Shtir-Einstein and Yosef (Dubi) Shtir, and is currently managed by CEO Gil Shtir. The company is based in the company’s office building located in the business center of vibrant Tel Aviv, where about 20 of its permanent employees sit.

The Shtir Group, its managers and employees set themselves defined and focused goals in improving the service to its customers, initiating and providing a complete business environment for its customers in the various industries in which its exhibitions specialize. All of these are given to this day to tens of thousands of exhibitors and hundreds of thousands of visitors.


Stier Einstein Israela
Stier Einstein IsraelaPresident
Stier Joseph – R.I.P
Stier Joseph – R.I.PPresident
Stier Gil
Stier GilManaging Director

Our Team

Wapner Tzipi
Wapner TzipiProject Sales Manager
+972-3-5626090 ext. 3
Roni Yaakov
Roni YaakovProject Sales Manager
+972-3-5626090 ext. 3
Tal Dayan
Tal DayanProject Sales Manager
+972-3-5626090 ext. 3
Gluska Yoav
Gluska YoavProduction & Exhibitors Service
+972-3-5626090 ext. 4
Atlas Irit
Atlas IritMarcom Manager
+972-3-5626090 ext. 8
Karen Krull
Karen KrullConventions Manager
+972-3-5626090 ext. 5